Biography c general westmoreland westmoreland williamsburg

General westmoreland family tree

Westmoreland: a biography of general william c.

biography c general westmoreland westmoreland williamsburg

Biography c general westmoreland westmoreland williamsburg

Born William Childs Westmoreland, March 26, 1914, in Spartanburg, SC; died July 18, 2005, in Charleston, SC. Military general.

Biography c general westmoreland westmoreland williamsburg massachusetts

Kinnard, Douglas and Zaffiri, Samuel (1995) "Westmoreland: A Biography of General William C. Westmoreland," Naval War College Review: Vol. 48: No. 2, Article 24.
Biography c general westmoreland westmoreland williamsburg ma
Lewis Sorley’s eviscerating biography of General William Childs Westmoreland is long overdue, powerful for its restraint and careful annotation, a complete treatment of a man .