Senator musa adede biography of barack

Adede @ 70: The godfather with a good heart - The Nation …

But wait until something amuses him and the essential Senator Musa Unim Adede is unmasked: a broad, gap-toothed smile radiating a markedly Rotarian spirit.

senator musa adede biography of barack

Senator musa adede biography of barack

Musa is a grassroots community leader who has built bridges for communitie­s, built and donated a cathedral to his community, extended innumerabl­e scholarshi­ps to indigent .

Biography of barack obama

One, his unique combination of deep affiliation with Nigeria’s ruling military caste of the 70s — 90s and a kinship with the surviving economic czars of that era can truly be .

Adede: Celebratin­g A Golden Heart At 70 - PressReader
Unequivocally, Senator Adede is for a massive review of the current presidential system, if not a wholesale return to parliamentary system: “What I advocate is picking the best .