William t sherman biography civil war general

William tecumseh sherman descendants today

William Tecumseh Sherman was an American soldier, businessman, educator, and author.

william t sherman biography civil war general

William tecumseh sherman children

Replacing Grant as the overall commander in the West in March , Sherman vigorously implemented the Union’s then-prevailing “hard war” military strategy, in the process making his .

William tecumseh sherman cause of death

William Tecumseh Sherman (), American soldier, was a Union general during the Civil War. He captured Atlanta and Savannah and wrought great destruction in .

William t sherman accomplishments
William Tecumseh Sherman (Lancaster, 8 de fevereiro de - Nova Iorque, 14 de fevereiro de ) foi um soldado, empresário, educador e escritor general no Exército da União durante a Guerra de Secessão obteve a reputação de estrategista militar brilhante.